Leaving a sum of money to your church in your will is an excellent and much appreciated way of ensuring the future of the church in your village. The "Willing to Give" guidance below was published to help those considering a gift to the All Saints' Endowment Fund - an important source of income for the continued upkeep of that fine building - but it also contains useful information for those wishing to see their gift used immediately for eg essential repairs or running costs. In this case please follow the guidance, ie leaving your gift to the PCC but omitting the specific reference to the endowment fund. Conversely, you must mention it if the endowment fund is your intention, as the church council is not permitted to add to it without the donor's instruction.
Willing to Give
Advice on ways of giving financial support to the ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH ENDOWMENT FUND
All Saints’ Church is one of the most important ancient village churches in Kent, set in beautiful countryside on the well-chronicled Pilgrims Way. It has long been recognised as such by church historians and conservationists and admired too by a wide range of visitors, from both this country and abroad.
An extensive conservation programme has been undertaken over recent years to restore the fabric of this historic building, and we have been able, with the support of English Heritage, Friends of Kent Churches and other generous grant-givers and private donors, to undertake several major projects to restore the building to a viable and attractive condition.
Since redoubling the fundraising effort in 1993, over £300,000 has been raised from all sources in support of this cause. We are indebted to everyone who has contributed to this achievement. The main priority now is to build up a substantial Endowment Fund to assure a lasting and growing income for the long-term viability and upkeep of this historic building. The Fund is "capital-protected" meaning that it cannot be touched, but is wholly invested to provide a regular income. While the church can and does use its own resources for these works it is not permitted to transfer money into the Endowment - called "self impoverishment" - so the Fund has to rely on the generosity of others to grow. Our treasurer can provide more information if required (01233 640357) or an anonymous donation can be given via the Finance Team at Diocesan House in Canterbury (01227 459401).
How you can help
All Saints’ Church remains heavily dependent on the goodwill and financial support of its Friends. The income from life-time gifts and legacies represents an important part of this support for the future, whether for continuing restoration work or for longer-term maintenance and improvements. Whilst our urgent and continuing need is for general restoration funds, you may prefer to make such a gift or legacy for a specific purpose. We are grateful for any gifts and legacies, however large or small.
If you are thinking of making a legacy in your Will or a gift in your lifetime in support of the All Saints’ Church Restoration Fund - and/or more specifically to the All Saints Church Endowment Fund - you may find the following information helpful. It explains how to leave a legacy and also how to give tax-efficiently under the Gift Aid scheme. We hope that you will find this informative and thank you very much for your interest.
If you would also like to discuss the possibility of a gift or legacy to support the mission of the Church, please feel free to contact us via the address given below.
How to leave a legacy to All Saints’ Church
You would be well advised, as a first step, to see your solicitor. He or she will ensure that your Will is properly drawn up and legally binding, giving you peace of mind and saving your family unnecessary stress. He or she may also help to advise you on your financial situation and the effect of any proposed gifts on your likely Inheritance Tax position. Any legacy to the All Saints’ Church Endowment Fund would be free of Inheritance Tax if it is routed via the Boughton Aluph and Eastwell PCC, which is recognised as a charity by HMRC (no. EW80789).
If you decide to include a reference to All Saints’ in your Will, you may find the forms of wording suggested here helpful when you see your solicitor. He or she will be able to advise you on the final wording.
The two main ways to leave a gift in your Will are by making either a ‘pecuniary’ or ‘residuary’ legacy. A residuary legacy is particularly beneficial, as it keeps pace with inflation better than a pecuniary legacy, which is for a fixed sum. A residuary legacy is the gift of all or part of what is left once all your specific and pecuniary gifts have been made and any debts, tax or costs involved in winding up your estate have been paid. It may be made to one or more individuals and/or charities.
Suggested wording for legacies and bequests - Pecuniary legacy
I give to the Boughton Aluph and Eastwell PCC , HMRC registered charity EW80789, the sum of £............. for the specific benefit and general purposes of the All Saints’ Church Endowment Fund and I further direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or any other proper officer of the Boughton Aluph and Eastwell PCC for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for this legacy
Residuary legacy
I give (e.g. a half or quarter share of, or x% of) the residue of my estate to the Boughton Aluph and Eastwell PCC, HMRC registered charity EW80789, for the specific benefit and general purposes of the All Saints’ Church Endowment Fund and I further direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or any other proper officer of the Boughton Aluph and Eastwell PCC for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for this legacy.
Suggested wording for a Codicil adding a Bequest to an existing Will
I [full name........... ] of [address.......................] DECLARE this to be a [e.g. First] Codicil to my Will dated [date in words.........]
I give (e.g. a half or quarter share of) the residue of my estate to the Boughton Aluph and Eastwell PCC, HMRC registered charity EW80789, for the specific benefit and general purposes of the All Saints’ Church Endowment Fund and I further direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or any other proper officer of the Boughton Aluph and Eastwell P.C.C for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for this legacy.
IN ALL other respects I confirm my Will.
IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this [date in words..........]
SIGNED by the said [name...] the Testator as and for a [e.g. First] Codicil to his[her] said Will dated the [date..] in the presence of us both being present at the same time who at his[her] request in his[her] presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses:
Signature of Testator and two Witnesses [followed by details of the Witnesses’ addresses and occupations]
Gift Aid
For lifetime gifts, the Gift Aid scheme is an important concession for the funding of good causes, because it allows charities to reclaim from the Government the tax that the donor has already paid on the value of the gift. This means that if you are a UK taxpayer and sign the relevant Gift Aid declaration form, the Church will be able to increase the value of your gift by 25%. You do not need to notify the Inland Revenue of this and your declaration will have no effect on your tax position..
A Gift Aid form can be obtained at the Church or by contacting:
Mrs Rita Hawes - 01233 627117, Mrs Catherine Wear-Davis - 07740 702377
or for further information contact our Treasurer Frank Edwards on 01233 640357 or by email: bachurch41@yahoo.co.uk
If you would also like to discuss the possibility of a gift or legacy to support the mission of the Church generally, please feel free to contact the Vicar direct at the following address:
Rev'd Ravi Holy - The Vicarage, Cherry Garden Crescent, WYE , Kent Telephone: 07930 401963
or Sue Puckey in the Benefice office (01233 813793)